Commercial Heat Pump Solutions

Efficient Solutions for your heating & cooling needs.

Are your employees complaining that it’s too hot in the summer or too cold in the winter? Our commercial heat pump solutions can help create a comfortable work environment, year-round. Our heat pump designs are individually designed to meet your heating and cooling needs, so we can make sure every base is covered.

Qualified Partner.

We are an Efficiency Maine Qualified Partner. That means we work directly with Efficiency Maine to find the right incentives to fit your business needs. Once preapproved, we are able to provide an instant discount, meaning what you pay out-of-pocket is significantly less. For more information on Efficiency Maine’s initiative to assist small business retrofits and heat pump solutions, click here.

Small Business Incentives.

Do you have a business that is too hot in the summer or too cold in the winter? Our commercial heat pump solutions can help create a comfortable work environment, year-round. Our heat pump designs are individually designed to meet your heating and cooling needs, so we can make sure every base is covered. To check your business eligibility click here.

Efficiency Maine Rebate Incentives*

Heat Pump Mini-Splits (Air-to-Air) (Multi-Zone)

  • 1 to 4 Zones: $500 – $1,250

Small Business Heat Pump Retrofit

  •  $1,600 per single-zone unit, up to 3 units. (Max $4,800)

*As of February 2023, please refer to Efficiency Maine website for most up to date information.